Your go-to master herbalist and more

Taking the steps to make your body and your family feel great is one of the biggest and most selfless decisions you can make.I believe that living your best life is achievable. So I am here to help you do that with natural remedies rooted in traditions, supported by science, and administered with love.

years of experience as an herbalist practitioner

18,000 babies helped as a breastfeeding and lactation consultant

450 babies delivered as a doula

One of Amazon”s bestselling authors

Got a copy of her handout with proven effective tips to taming your moods?
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Learn more about Sara-Chana

Learn the master herbalist’s ways of taming your moods!
Download a copy of the handout today

What Clients Say

Start your natural and holistic health journey today. Get a copy of Sara-Chana’s guide to taming your moods

Take the initiative to live your best, healthy life.

Working with Sara-Chana means deciding to reclaim your body through alternative, natural solutions.

Expertise and experience

With her many years of experience helping families in New York, Sara-Chana has become a trusted and respected expert in herbalism and homeopathy. Now she shares her knowledge through speaking via forums, TV shows, podcasts, and webinars.

Holistic approach

As a trained classical homeopath, Sara-Chana takes into account the whole person— body, mind, and spirit— and recognizes the interconnectedness of all aspects of health.

Customized support

Sara Chana understands the uniqueness of each person she helps. So she works with the client to create personalized treatments that meet their specific needs and goals.

Learn the master herbalist’s ways of taming your moods!
Download a copy of the handout today
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